Benefits of Mediation
Avoid cost and time of court
Completely voluntary. And if not resolved, you can still go to court
Confidential – mediation communications are inadmissible in later court proceedings
Parties control the settlement, if any
Can bring your attorney to mediation
You decide how to move forward after resolution
Can preserve important relationships
Parties choose mediator and share costs
The mediation process is a confidential and cost-effective alternative to going to court. Hawthorne & Associates provides mediation services by its principal, Robert D. Hawthorne, a seasoned attorney, former appellate court judge, and trained mediator. He has completed a 40 Hour Mediation Training course through the Colorado Bar Association and has acquired hundreds more hours of mediation continuing legal education. Bob applies his broad experience and extensive training to confidentially mediate a wide variety of disputes fitting within his years of experience and expertise as an attorney and former appellate judge.
Most importantly, Bob’s goal in the mediation process is to enable the parties to ultimately reach what they deem an appropriate resolution of their dispute. He understands that the mediator’s role is not that of an arbitrator or a judge.
By openly and honestly engaging in this process, the parties generate their own innovative ideas as to how to satisfy their separate needs and interests by mutual agreement. Bob’s thoughtful and focused approach in a mediation significantly enhances your opportunity to successfully resolve your dispute in a manner acceptable to you.
“Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can.”